Monday, 27 August 2012


Zinc Di-Organo Dithiophosphate (ZDDP)

Zinc Di-Organo Dithiophosphate (ZDDP) is a Bright Yellow Liqui. It is in liquid form. ZDDP is such a cost-effective additive and is the sole anti-wear component used in many engine oils

ZDDP is widely used as Anticorrosive and Antioxidant component in lubricant oil and greases. ZDDP provide the following benefits :
1. Reduce engine oil oxidation.
2. Reduce deposit and varnish formation.
3. Less increase in oil viscosity.
4. Reduce bearing copper corrosion.
5. Helps in wear control.
6. Longer life of engine parts.

End Application:

Modern engine oils rely heavily on ZDDP to provide anti-wear, antioxidation, and anticorrosion protection

Heavy duty and Hi-Performance / Racing type oils that have percentage level higher than 800 ppm or 0.08% volume by weight on zinc diorgano dithiophosphate ( ZDDP ) can be used within passenger car, pickup truck and SUV gasoline engines that are 1993 model year and older.

Michael Thang

1 comment:

Hand Care said...

Thanks for the post, great tips and information which is useful for all...